Persimmon Flowers

This is just a quick note with a not-quite recipe. I first saw this on Esi's wonderful blog Dishing up Delights. But I sliced a few firm persimmons with a mandolin, laid them on a baking sheet and sprinkled cinnamon over the top. Into a 350 oven for 8 minutes on one side, 6 on the other.
UPDATE: When making these, it is very important that you buy the round persimmons, the ones that look more like tomatoes. These can be eaten while still firm. Whereas with the heart-shaped persimmons, you must wait until they are mushy to eat, or they will be too astringent. Baking won't help with that. Nothing will. So remember, if you want to eat them or cook with them while they're still firm, get the round ones.

They puckered up into little flowers when baked, pulled toward the center by that starfish pattern on the raw fruit. If you don't just eat them by the handful, I can imagine them gracing the tops of salads, ice creams, cakes, anything. They're not crunchy, but pleasantly chewy. If you have a dehydrator and crave a real chip experience, that might be a better way to achieve it. But if you're a sucker for cute, here you go.

Snooky, I wouldn't use oranges, those are quite different from persimmons. I don't really know of a substitute, I'm sorry!
Esi, it was you!! Thank you!
Angela, it was Esi's idea. But I'm glad you liked it!
Lauren and Kristen, thanks so much!
Yes Chuck, yes. Persimmon ice cream, I like the way you think. You bring the ice cream, I'll bring the flowers!
Hayley, they're small little flowers, but piping a filling in is such a creative (although labor-intensive) idea. I love it!
Sara, thanks! Hope you like them!
Happy to report I am making them TONIGHT! :) Will let you know how they are :)